Pro Tools for Radio, Podcast Producers, and Audio Editors Course Details:
Pro Tools for Radio, Podcast Producers, and Audio Editors Course Details:
3 Sessions, 1 Hour Each with Certified Instructor In Studio or Online
3 Training Session Hours with Certified Instructor
Plus 12 Additional Self Paced Training Hours
Total Suggested Length: 15 Hours
Through this journey with us you will master all the latest skills and techniques of a professional audio producer in the podcast field. You will gain depth in today’s required standards of recording, sound design, mixing and mastering. After completing all the Section Courses with us you will be able to gain exactly all the same knowledge and methods as we have done for A&E Network, Apple News, Audible, The Bowery Boys, Columbia School Of Journalism, CUNY, Fusion Media, LiveWire Radio, Masters Of Scale, MyTalk 107.1, NPR, NYU, PRX, Retro Report, Slate.com, The New York Times, The New York Public Library, The Recount, The Theory Of Everything, WaitWhat.com, and so, so many others.
Understand how to use AVID Pro Tools to your advantage as a radio and/or a podcast producer. Create engaging stories by learning how to utilize all Pro Tools powerful resources. Learn techniques and acquire the skills to produce your content fast. Make every story sound as professional as it gets. Learn about pro sound effects, file delivery, importing and exporting, automation, sound replacement, sound mixing, mastering for radio and podcast and so much more.
The Pro Tools NYC Radio and Podcasting courses introduce fundamental Pro Tools concepts and principles, covering everything an individual needs to know to complete a Pro Tools project, from initial setup to final mixdown.
Students also learn to build sessions that include multi-track recordings of live audio production. Hands-on exercises and projects introduce essential techniques for creating sessions, recording and importing audio, editing session media, navigating sessions and arranging media on tracks, and using basic processing and mixing techniques to finalize a production. Included with the course material is a download of media files and Pro Tools sessions to accompany the exercises and projects in the text. The course also introduces the core concepts and techniques students need to competently operate a Pro Tools system running mid-sized sessions. Students learn to build sessions designed for commercial purposes and improve the results of their recording, editing, and mixing efforts. The hands-on exercises provide experience setting up sessions, importing media, spotting sound effects, introduction to Elastic Audio and clip loops, applying signal processing, using automation, and using submixes and track groups to simplify a final mix.
At the end of the course you will be able to:
Create a Pro Tools session document or cloud-enabled project with appropriate parameter settings
Accomplish common audio production tasks
Employ navigation and editing skills in a multi-track Pro Tools document
Incorporate proper recording and mixing techniques for audio in the Pro Tools environment
Analyze and interpret session file structures
Recognize and navigate the user interface and tool set
Manage large track counts and multiple channels of simultaneous inputs and outputs
Create appropriate Pro Tools software and hardware settings
Select appropriate settings in the Playback Engine dialog
Set up and modify input/output (I/O) settings
Utilize advanced recording techniques to capture multiple record takes in succession
Apply clip-based editing techniques to audio
Incorporate automated mixing techniques into a Pro Tools workflow for selective during a session post-production tasks automation
Be ready to sit the associated certification exam
More about the Course Outcome Expectations:
Learn all the fundamentals of Pro Tools and Audio Production Including:
Sound recording, sound editing, mixing, mastering, music production, and so much more while learning how to operate Pro Tools software.
Sound recording, sound editing, mixing, mastering, music production, and so much more while learning how to operate Pro Tools software.
Learn and understand all fundamental aspects of Pro Tools. Gain in depth comprehension of:
hardware and software
recording gear
proper tracking technique
pro recording techniques
post production techniques
pro recording techniques
post production techniques
sound FX's
sound manipulation
vocal production
sound manipulation
vocal production
distribution ready sound
And much more...
And much more...
More Details:
The course is 3 Training Class Sessions.
Each session is 1 Hour On Zoom or In The Studio
With Certified Master Instructor Trainer with over 15 years of experience,
who is also an audio production professor at CUNY
Instructor Led, Hands On, Live Online via Zoom
Screen Share, Remote Computer/Studio Control
Plus 12 Self Paced Training Hours:
3 Hours of additional self paced training videos
9 Hours of additional self paced Pro Tools E-Book
With additional training materials
If necessary, we will try to give you the access to:
Pro Tools Software for 1 year, exclusively as our New Student
The course tuition is $375. Once completed, we invite all to register for the next level of the Podcast Production Course, the levels are Fundamentals, Advanced and Expert, the tuition is always $375.
The course tuition is $375. Once completed, we invite all to register for the next level of the Podcast Production Course, the levels are Fundamentals, Advanced and Expert, the tuition is always $375.
Welcome To Pro Tools NYC and Thank You!